The other day I read an article on FB where women are taking photos of their stretch marks and hash tagging them #loveyourstripes. The photos were empowering. A fight against the airbrushed magazines to embrace woman and their beautiful bodies. (Check out the Tumblr account here)
After reading the article I headed towards the sea for a run along the beach.
As I run I often collect discarded plastic items from the shoreline until I can carry no more. I hate to see plastic on the beach (or anywhere for that matter). This day, however, the first plastic item that I found was a washed-up toy tiger. The one pictured in the plant above. A strong symbol to be brave and strong and to follow your heart's inner truth.
I've been thinking about how we can make this world a better place, how we can all chip in and do our bit. I believe we have the power to make this world a better place. I think it starts with education and compassion and being grateful for what we have been given. Stretch marks and all.